Monday, February 11, 2019

Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor and businessman also a chemist.He was famous for introduction of nobel prizes and inventing dynamite which was using in mining and demolition industries.

He was born on 21 October 1833 in Sweden.He is full name is "Alfred bernhard nobel".

He was studied at with Russian Chemist Nikolai Zinin in when he went to paris for further work.

He has introducted many other inventions such as a Gelignite and Blasting cap.

He introuducted Nobel prize awards for those who have done something useful with creativity in their life.

He was died on 10 December 1896 in Sanremo, Italy.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Nobel Peace Awards

Nobel Peace Award is one of the five Nobel Prize given by those who have done something for peace.

It was began since March 1901 with giving first award on 10 December 1901 .

Reward is 9 million SEK(as of 2017)

The Most Awards organizations are International Committee of the Red Cross(won three times) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(won two times);

The only person who refused to accept Nobel Peace Prize is Le duc Tho(Vietnamese revolutionary).

List of Notable Nobel Peace Prize Laureates-

Laureate Country Role Picture
Mother Teresa India For her Missionaries of Charity.
14th Dalai Lama India For his opposition aganist use of violence.
Nelson Mandela South Africa For his work for maintain human rights and peace among nations.
Kofi Annan Ghana For his work for creating a peaceful world and society.
Martin Luther King, Jr. U.S For his work for civil rights.

Alfred Nobel Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor and businessman also a chemist.He was famous for introduction of nobel prizes and ...