Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Kelaniya Temple

Buddhism is the world's most important religion.mostly following in sri lanka and south east asia.india is the main land of buddhism.there are two variations of buddhism.

  1. Theravada - main spread mostly in sri lanka.

  2. Theravada Monks

  3. Mahayana - east asia.(china,tibet,japan....)

  4. Mahayana Monks

Main teaching of buddhism is "follow middle way" and through "nirvana" prevent cycle of rebirth and suffering.

buddhism is introduced to world by buddha.before becoming buddha he is called "siddhartha gouthama". son of mahamayadevi and king suddhodana.he is a prince and live in palace.married queen yashodara and father of prince rahula. but he understand core of life buried in deep.he decide to find out truth of life.he left all the resources he got as prince and his dear ones.

after long journey he able to find real truth of life and becomming buddha.told his, view of life to followers.and he succesfull about change peoples mind.after long religious mission, he left the world ("pirinivan") in age 80.

  • Lord Buddha Born in here,Lumbini

  • Lord Buddha Enlightmented in here,Mahabodhi.
  • Lord Buddha's cremation place,Kushinagar

  • in buddhism there are lot of lessons to learn .but theese 5 fundementals concepts ("pansil") can cause world to better place.

    1. "panathi patha weremani sikka padan samadiyami" - avoid from killing animals,and living beings.
    2. "adinnadana weremani sikka padan samadiyami" - stop being a thief.
    3. "kame sumichchachara weremani sikka padan samadiyami" - avoid from unusual relations.
    4. "musawada weremani sikka padan samadiyami" - avoid from saying lies.
    5. "surameraya majjapamadattana weremani sikka padan samadiyami" - avoid from drinking alchol.

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