Tuesday, January 22, 2019

United Nations Facts

  • United Nations is an Intergovernmental organization that vows to improving international peace and security.

  • There are 193 Member state and 2 observer states on United Nations's membership

    It was established on 24 October 1945 in New york City after UN Charter.

    It has won many nobel prizes for its work for maintain peace among countries.

    UN Giving funds to under-developing countries such as india,pakistan for their development(foods,infrastrucutre,transport and communcations).

    United Nations has been made into 5 Principal organs.these are described in below.

    1.UN General Assembly
  • The General Assembly is the main deliberative assembly for all UN member states.it was led by a elected president(among the member states).It was meets by regular sessions
  • They're discussing important questions such as maintain,improving peace and security,admission of new members and other matters(such as budget)
  • 2.Security Council
  • Security Council is the other organ that established to maintaing peace and security on the world countries
  • Security Council has 15 member states and 5 permanent members.(China,France,Russia,UK and US.
  • 3.UN Secretariat
  • UN Secretariat is elected by chairperson(UN Secretary General) with Security Council's recommends
  • It carries out studies,information and facilities that needed for UN meetings.
  • Num Name Country Term Facts Picture
    1 Trygve Lie Norway 1946-1952 Born on 16 July 1896.He was the first Secretary General of UN
    2 Dag Hammarskjold Sweden 1953-1961 Born on 29 July 1905.
    3 U Thant Burma 1961-1971 Born on 22 January 1909.
    4 Kurt Waldheim Austria 1972-1981 Born on 21 December 1918.
    5 Javier Perez de Cuellar Peru 1982-1991 Born on January 19, 1920.
    6 Boustros Boutros-Ghali Egypt 1992-1996 Born on 14 November 1922.
    7 Kofi Annan Ghana 1997-2006 Born on 8 April 1938.
    8 Ban Ki-moon South Korea 2007-2016 Born on 13 June 1944.Former Secretary General Of UN
    9 Antonio Guterres Portugal 2017-Currently Born on 30 April 1949.Current Secretary General Of UN
    4.International Court of Justice
  • International Court Of Justice also known as ICJ is in the Hague,Netherlands.It's the primary judicial section of the UN.
  • Their Objectives are adjudicate disputes among states and heard cases such as war crimes.
  • 5.Economic and Social Council
  • Economic and Social Council is a UN Organ that helping promote international economics.It has 55 Active Members that assigned by General Assembly
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